1) A temporary import permit (SAPS 520) from the South African police service is required to bring your rifle into SA. This permit is issued on your arrival at Johannesburg.
2) There are companies and individuals offering an importation service at a fee. It is not necessary to make use of them if you follow these steps.
3) You are allowed to bring 2 rifles per person (not of the same caliber) and 5 pounds of ammo for each rifle.
4) We will apply for the permit on your behalf for free if you send us the following documentation:
- Copy of passport
- Stamped customs declaration form DA4457
- Airline itinerary
- Please complete the rifle importation sheet. You can download it at the bottom of this page.
- We will have your letter of invitation with us on your arrival but if you decide to use a rifle broker, we can recommend Adel at www.hunterspermitsafrica.co.za @ $130 USD.
5) No semi automation, automation or two rifles of the same caliber is allowed. Therefore a .270, 30-06 and 300 will do well. Barres TSX bullets perform well on African game.
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